Havells Monza EC 5S 15-Litre Storage Best Water Heater

You must have a best geyser in the winter season. Here I will tell in details about the best water heater coming from Havells.

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Best Havells Geyser in India

Brand Havells
Model Monza EC 5S
Capacity 15 Litre
Type Storage
Power Consumption 2000 W
Rating 5 Star
Warranty 5-year warranty on Inner Container, 2-year comprehensive Warranty

Coming from Havells, the Monza EC 5S comes with a water storage capacity of 15 liters. The latest technology has been used in this. A temperature adjusting knob has been given in Monza EC 5S. With the help of which you can set the temperature of the water. With this adjusting knob, you can adjust the temperature setpoint from 25degC to 75degC. It is fitted with a multi-function safety valve. Due to which the overpressure of the geyser can be controlled. High precision thermostat control has been given. Due to which the controlling of temperature is accurate. Its tank is a single welded line. Due to which there is no chance of leakage at all. And there is a tank with long life. If we talk about its look, then we get to see quite an attractive look. The temperature gauge has been given in its front. And the on-off indication LED is also provided with the temperature adjusting knob in the front bottom.

Conclusion on Best Geyser Havells Monza EC 5S

Friends, from this article, you must have got information about Monza EC 5S Geyser from Havells. If you want to use this geyser then this is the best geyser for you.
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